Progressive Rock > Seven Steps To The Green Door

If a band with its debut album already creams off the first prize in two categories (progressive and experimental) at the German Rock and Pop Awards, the probably biggest and most important band competition in Germany, it definitely is worth it to listen carefully: with the moderate use of cross-genre stylistic devices, an uncommon cast of 3 vocalists, and the courage to melody despite rhythmic experiments, “seven steps to the green door” proof “progressiveness” in the literal sense.
The seven-member band around keyboardist & saxophonist Marek Arnold (head of the German progressive metal band “Toxic Smile”, among others) and drummer Ulf Reinhardt (formerly Mother’s Pride & Prophets of Prunes), on their unexpectedly successful first album “the puzzle” already surprised with a wide-variety style mix of art-rock, progressive metal, jazz, rap, and pop.