Roswell Six > Terra Incognita: Beyond The Horizon (CD) > Reviews

...The author was drawn into a music rendition of his story and supplied all lyrics while a coterie of prominent Prog Rock and Symphonic Rock form to create a band to present this story. Most prominent is the music-writing for the Anderson/Moesta lyrics supplied by Erik Norlander of Rocket Scientists. Vocally, the chores are shared between heavyweights like James LaBrie (Dream Theater), Lana Lane (a remarkable Ann Wilson sound-alike with a powerful voice, who has sang for many bands, and who is married to Norlander), Michael Sadler (Saga), and John Payne (later period Asia). The vocalists take on characters and throughout the album sing the appropriate parts.
Musically, this band known as Roswell Six, have created a fine Prog/Symphonic effort named Terra Incognita: Beyond the Horizon. The clear influences are here. You'll hear Yes in the mix as well as the sounds of ELP, Kansas, Freedom Calls, and other usual suspects. The lean is toward symphonic rock with plenty of violin performed by David Ragsdale (Kansas), cello by Mike Alvarez, and flute by Martin Orford. The results are often grand. The works heard on Terra Incognita do the genre justice and are recommended for fans of such music. But when you bring such talents together, you're going to get great music...
German review
...On the other end of the spectrum, Michael Sadler offers performances that are simply stunning in many cases, especially on the song “Letters in a Bottle,” which easily earns him contention for best male performance of the year. The song is a slow and emotional tune that has a wonderful acoustic guitar focus with some great string support. Sadler’s performance here is absolutely spot on, very effectively conveying the emotion in the song and doing so with incredible accuracy and power. It’s the sort of performance that stops listeners in their tracks, and I was truly taken aback with its beauty upon my first listen...
Interview with Kevin
...Before even starting to review a project like this is a challenge. The musicianship is the ‘best of the best’ and the talents surpass any expectation of a typical release. Starting things off is "Ishalem", it’s just an unbelievable keyboard montage making way for the huge drum sound of Chris Quirarte. This doesn’t even compare to a progressive CD; this is mastery of the finest quality, James LaBrie (DREAM THEATER<) is a vocal God and makes sensational tingles as shivers are sent down your spine. The duel vocals of LaBrie, Lane, Sadler (ex-SAGA and Payne(ASIA) give the technique of vintage QUEEN on a higher plateau. The keyboards by Erik Norlander are sensational and will draw attention from the master Rick Wakemen. This is just a phenomenal opening track that will blow your mind...
Roswell Six is the unusual creation of esteemed science fiction writer Kevin J. Anderson, keyboard maestro Erik Norlander and ProgRock Records main man Shawn Gordon. When Gordon contacted Anderson the idea unfolded and Anderson's epic novel The Edge of the World turned out to be the vehicle upon which this CD was created. The talented roster reads as a who's who of progressive rock including the vocal talents of James Labrie (Dream Theater), Michael Sadler (ex-Saga), Lana Lane and John Payne (recent Asia, GPS). With music written by Erik Norlander and a fine cast of supporting musicians, the expectations were very high indeed and I am happy to say this CD is a delight to listen to...
...The book is based upon two continents, Tierra and Uraba, who are joined by a thin isthmus of land. Both have been at war for many years but finally meet in peace at the holy city of Ishalem. But it all goes pear shaped as this city is destroyed with each side blaming the other and war breaks out… ‘Ishalem’ starts the album off and straight away Erik Norlander is playing some superb synth runs – more parp than Europe in their prime. A suitably epic song to get the album going and it features all four vocalists. The good thing about this album is that many songs can stand alone and be enjoyed outside of the context of the album. None more so than ‘Letters In A Bottle’, a lovely ballad with Michael Sadler taking the lead vocal. ‘Here Be Monsters’ is great fun as well with all bar John Payne singing on this one. David Ragsdale (Kansas) adds his violin to the mix, the sound of which is very lush and reminded me of the playing of Ric Sanders of Fairport Convention fame. ..
...The drama unfolds with the opening “Inshalem” which introduces the sacred city where religious tension between Tierra and Uraba runs high. Just as a peace treaty is about to be signed disaster strikes and the city is consumed in an inferno. The track captures the mood of the unfolding drama perfectly as the tension audibly increases.
When during “The Call Of The Sea” our hero Criston decides to board the ship Luminara on a voyage to explore the edge of the world, the scene is set for a concept that guarantees some dramatic music. The band deliver in style and the vocal contributions and musicianship are exceptional throughout.
James LaBrie makes his bow as Soldan-Shah Omra, in the powerful “I Am The Point.” It is a track that captures the spectacularly grandiose scale of the project and is both symphonic and triumphant. “I Am The Point” successfully pushes LaBrie to the very edge of his vocal power amid an electric swirl of eastern atmosphere...
...As a complete musical concept, 'Terra Incognita' is nothing short of brilliant. Beyond the creative arrangements and expert musicianship, the most remarkable element of this album is how both of these characteristics work to convey the mood present in the lyrics. For example, on 'Call Of The Sea' the music displays the passion for adventure of Criston and the submission to and pain of separation for his wife, Adrea. 'Letters In A Bottle' brings the somberness of cello and violin to explore Criston's memory, love and desire for Adrea while at sea. Conversely for Adrea, the masterful and melancholy symphonic prog of 'Halfway' reveals the division in her heart as the mundane details of daily life crash into her longing for her husband...
Interview with Shawn, Erik and Kevin
Interview with Kevin
...The musicians and writers involved in this project is a highly talented bunch. Norlander and Lane will arguably be the best know among the core members of this outfit, while guest stars such as James LaBrie and Martin Orford are two of several that are or are close to household names for many people with an interest in progressive rock. The good thing about using well established musicians and writers for a new project, besides the fact that they are well known that is, is that they usually will provide very good performances. And that is the case for this venture as well. Guest vocalists and instrumentalists alike provide quality input throughout; and in particular those fond of good vocal performances will get much joy out of this production...
...The music style of Roswell Six is progressive metal that changes from acoustic-driven ballads to even pretty fiercely pounding heavy metal. At times I’m reminded of 80’s epic metal like Ynwie J. Malmsteen or the power metal of Helloween, but many of the tracks are also quite progressive and have plenty of different parts. There is some slower and more laid-back stuff towards the end, but the last, instrumental track “The Edge of the World” rocks in a pretty energetic way at one point. I think it’s very nice that the album has both male and female vocals, and the strings and the flute bring in some more colour to the music. The musicians and singers on the disc are surely very professional, but the synth sounds are sometimes a bit too 80’s. For example: why use cheap keyboard piano sounds, didn’t they really have a real piano in the studio? But the sonic world is of course very suitable for this kind of music style, so that’s fine, and the album is very well produced, that’s for sure. The musicians, including the bass player, also get to play nice solos, but there is not too much of that. The CD’s booklet includes the lyrics oozing of dreams, legends, ships, sea monsters and eternal love as well as some text passages that hold the lyrics together. If you like melodic, progressive metal and/or Andersson’s books, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this album.
...This project is a resounding success. The story ends leaving me wanting more; I really hope that there is a sequel planned. This is not exactly metal, but all metalheads reading this are encouraged to give this a few spins, I guarantee you will be hooked. Personally, I will be heading to the local library or bookstore to see if the accompanying book is there so I can read the whole thing (while spinning this CD of course). I almost missed out on this amazing project, don’t make the same mistake as me.
...Every musician and singer has brought a lot and the best of their background and very impressive is the artwork in impressionistic style (Monte, Pissarro, Sisley, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne, etc.); the only big and surprising disappointment comes from the story, completely not original; from a professional writer co-working with his wife it is right to expect more creative efforts, while here we cannot talk about influences but a copy, cut and paste of the following opera: "The Bible", Homer's "Odyssey". The influences and references are indeed: Jules Verne's "20,00 Leagues under the Sea", H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.
Besides this, fans of Epic/Prog/Symph/Melodic metal and Science Fiction/Fantasy/Mythology readers may rejoice and give a warm welcome to projects like Roswell Six's.
This epic fantasy drew me in and kept me waiting to find out what would happen next. From the conflicting religious views of the Aidenists and the Urabans, to the widely different climates and lifestyles, this book is an ambitious undertaking with action on a global level. My favorite character is Princess Anjine, whom we see grow from a tomboyish girl into a strong, kind, woman. While others despair around her she presents a picture of composure and plans or guides actions to press toward the goals.
There are many strong characters in this book who endure many losses and hardships and still keep faith. For example, each year the seaman Criston continues each year to send a message to his wife by way of a letter in a bottle tied with a strand of her hair and dropped into the sea, even though he is uncertain whether she still lives or was killed by the Urabans. My favorite scene is when the con-man Yal Dolicar is outsmarted by Aldo when Yal delivers a sealed container and asks for the extra payment he was promised. Once the price is settled upon, Aldo deducts from the payment the amount Aldo cheated him of many years prior.
The music rocks, is terrific. I especially like I am the Point and Here be Monsters but the best is ‘The Winds of War’. Each by themselves (the book or the CD) are wonderful and the synthesis of the two is spectacular. I loved the dragons compass design and ship on the covers. The artwork sets expectations of wonders and the book fulfills them well. I eagerly await the next book.
...Since I got this masterpiece, it hasn’t left my CD player. Not only the storyline is interesting (everything can be followed in the 16-page booklet), the same can be said from the music, which has been recorded at various studios between June 2008 and March 2009. And what to think of the players? Among them are guitarist Gary Wehrkamp of Shadow Gallery, bassist Kurt Barabas of Amaran’s Plight, drummer Chris Quirarte of Prymary, violinist David Ragsdale of Kansas and flutist Martin Orford of IQ. I know that looks impressive on paper (or on your screen), but believe me when I say that it is as impressive when you hear them play together on this album. Don’t ask me to point out the best tracks, because this is the kind of album you have to listen to as a whole, preferably with headphones on and with the booklet within handreach. Stop reading and order your copy immediately. I’m sure you won’t regret it!
Interview with Shawn and Kevin
...After the sacred city of Ishalem burns to the ground, a holy war breaks out between the world’s two major religions. But this is also a time of exploration and discovery. The young sailor Criston Vora (sung by Michael Sadler) feels the call of the sea and signs aboard the Luminara, a sailing ship that will explore beyond the horizon. After listening to Captain Shay (John Payne) tell glorious stories about the wonders of the world, he says goodbye to his wife Adrea (Lana Lane), promising to return home. Meanwhile, Soldan-Shah Omra (James LaBrie) follows the drive for vengeance demanded of his faith and raids 'enemy' villages. He captures Adrea, taking her away with him . . . while Criston himself survives sea monster attacks and the sinking of the Luminara. The two lovers, swept apart, must cling to their love and try to find each other.
Each of the 13 tracks, including two major instrumentals, stand alone; they are snapshots of the epic story, with connective prose written by Anderson. This project -- novel and CD written by the same author -- is a unique musical experience. Read the novel. Listen to the music.
...In addition to the harder tracks, there are also a few lighter ballads. The heartbreaking Letters In A Bottle showcases Brown’s acoustic guitar and the nicely complemented strings of Alvarez and Ragsdale. Brown’s playing and Anderson’s lyrics on this track together recall the great acoustic ballads of Greg Lake.
On Anchored, LaBrie shows his ability to sing a rock ballad, and Norlander’s organ style keyboard playing along with Anderson’s faith-centered lyrics give the song a religious feel.
Here Be Monsters offers some fine transition between the different vocalists singing from the points of view of the concept’s “characters”. I would have preferred a couple lines from the point of view of the sea monsters, but I’m just being silly...
...The music of Terra Incognita was composed and produced by Norlander so it should not be a surprise to hear that there is a ring of familiarity if you are familiar with his other projects. That said this is very much a project with its own distinctive qualities. These 13 tracks, most in the five-minute range are best described as hard-edged symphonic prog; not really prog-metal by any stretch of the imagination but with enough crunchy guitar to satisfy that crowd as well. There are guitars, flutes, violins and keyboards aplenty taking turns at performing solos centre-stage. This is after all a story about war, dragons and ship-wrecks so it needs to be grand and in many cases aggressive. And here the music and multi-vocal delivery really works well presenting us with a larger-than-life panoramic vista. The CD opens with one of the more complex pieces; “Ishalem” [11:02] the longest track on the disc and there are plenty of musical change-ups here as the story is introduced and it seems everyone, vocalist and instrumentalist gets a chance to shine in the spotlight. From there you can follow along in the booklet where Anderson has written short introductions to each piece helping fill in the story line. The only tracks that approach a similar level of complexity and musical diversity would be the two instrumentals “The Sinking of the Luminara” [5:44] and “The Edge of the World” [4:43]. The second track of the story, like many of those that follow alternate between being up-tempo chunky-guitar compositions with parping-synths accents or slower emotion-laden ballads featuring acoustic guitars. Vocals alternate throughout depending on whose story is being spotlighted or who is telling the tale...
Interview with Kevin and Shawn
...Terra Incognita: Beyond The Horizon is, without doubt, an impressive achievement. Eric Norlander's interpretation of the words is excellent, but the real winner here is Lana Lane. She gives the album a prevailing sense of class it would miss with a lesser vocalist. The release, whilst not biased towards standalone tracks, still has its killer moments but definitely works better as a whole. On balance T.I.B.T.H. is similar to, possibly influenced by, and several steps ahead of Gary Hughes' Once And Future King project.
...Each of the 13 tracks,including two major instrumentals,stand alone; they are snapshots of the epic story, with connective prose. This Project—Novel and CD written by the same autor—is a unique musical experience. Read the Novel, Listen tot the Music.
One thing comes in mind and one thing ONLY- H.G. Wells - Jeff Wayne’s "War of the Worlds".
This is a magnificiant Record/Book and you Should all get your hands on a copy and be amazed.
Interview with Kevin
The Roswell six isn’t a gang of bank robbers or terrorists, but a new symphonic
metal project fronted by Eric Norlander and his wife, ‘the Queen of Symphonic Rock’, Lana Lane. This is a concept album that ties in with the new epic fantasy book by Kevin J Anderson, and indeed the author and his wife have written all the lyrics, whilst Norlander looks after the music. Joining them are a stellar cast of vocalists, James LaBrie (Dream Theatre), Michael Sadler (Saga), and one of my favourite singers, John Payne (Asia, guest vocalist on last 2 Lunatica albums). The story is based on ‘sailing ships, sea monsters, a clash of religion, and a love that will reach to the end of time’. The music is a mix of epic symphonic metal and lovely ballads, all with glorious melodies and superb vocal performances. Ayreon with a touch of Dream Theatre, Magnum, Asia and Heart. Every song is outstanding, in particular ‘Here Be Monsters’, which is utterly wonderful. The musicianship is excellent, with Eric Norlanders keyboards recalling Rick Wakeman in his pomp, and Gary Werhkamp’s (Shadow Gallery) guitar giving a metallic edge. So settle yourself down with a tot of rum, your cutlass at hand, and a box of tissues, and sail away on a fantastic adventure. 9.5/10 (Reviewed by Phil Wooldridge)
...Next question: what do you get when all the music has finally been recorded on CD? Well, that question is not so easy to answer. The CD certainly needs some spins to become familiar with the music and the story. After the first spin, I thought the album sounded very much like one of Erik Norlander’s solo albums. His album Into The Sunset was his first attempt to mix progressive rock with metal. I heard the same kind of music on this album. However, if you take the time to get a bit deeper into the music, you’ll hear the fine details that make progressive rock music so interesting. The track The Sinking Of The Luminara is a fine example. David’s violin and Kurt’s bass guitar both have a leading role in this piece supported by Erik’s fine playing on the mellotron and synthesizers. Another good example is Letters In A Bottle. On this piece, we can enjoy Lana Lane’s great voice together with some awesome flute...
...I’m not going to talk to the story of the album, as you can buy the book to get the full details, but to put each song in context there is a passage before the lyrics for each one in the booklet so that the listener knows where the story is going. To be honest though, this album stands up very well indeed on it’s own. The first I played this was when I was working on the land and I think I smiled throughout the whole thing – it is immediately incredibly impressive. I have long been a fan of Erik’s work, and love Lana’s vocals so to have it all brought together with this wonderful group of musicians with great songs was just amazing.
Subsequent plays found me studying the booklet and lyrics, getting the most out of the storyline, enjoying the artwork etc. This is symphonic prog with many of the elements of Erik’s past music that has made him so popular, combined with elements of Ayreon that definitely allow the guitarists to shine without fully moving into the realms of prog metal – although there are times when they come close!!..