Odin's Court > Deathanity > Reviews

German review
...There's a great deal of variation to the utilization of this instrument; quite often we're served drawn-out power chords too, and another feature repeated throughout this production are electric guitars underscored by acoustic ones. Odin's Court does have an adventurous approach to the art of music, and aren't satisfied with exploring purebred progressive metal. Symphonic elements is another feature you will find in most of the compositions, in the guise of segments with mellow melodic guitars, symphonic-tinged keyboards and piano fleshing out the main melody line, and extensive use of atmospheric guitar soloing. Another facet of this creation are jazz-tinged segments, sometimes mixing influences from that genre with metal and at other times inserting more purist jazzy parts into the compositions. There are many good intentions to this album, and an approach to the art of music that is rather intriguing. However, some elements highly inspire me. First of these are sudden changes in pace and direction. More often than not the compositions have a multitude of these, and personally I really enjoy when there are many dramatic alterations in style within one single composition...
...The production on this disk is very nice with very clear separation between the instruments, if slightly lacking in crispness on the guitar parts. The bass playing is really superlative and will blow away prog metal fans with amazingly tasty bass lines to wrap your ears round. They never forget to use a good dose of melody when it is called for either. which makes the songs that bit more memorable. The instrumental piece Oceanica Toxica is just wonderful to listen to and a real treasure. Following song Mammonific features an awesme guest vocal spot from Evergrey's Tom Englund and he goes down a storm in this song and makes you think how cool this album would have been with him singing all the way.
Odin's Court is one of those bands that challenges the listener with fantastic instrumental parts and emotional vocals, mixed with thought provoking and relevant subject matter. This is one of those gems of the underground that prog rock/metal fans cannot really afford to miss to be honest. Personally I am not a massive fan of prog or music which requires me to engage too many of my few remaining brain cells, but even I have to admit that odin's Court have delivered a high class product here.
German review
German review
French review
...If Deathanity of the group Odin's Court is a measure of what they have done in the past, their previous CD's must be very good indeed. This concept album is about the very sad state of our planet. Each track conveys an aspect of this global death. BTW, the titles of their songs are mostly neologism. The jacket cover leaves no doubt about the message. We see what seems to be vultures circling a burning tree; an apt imagery to clearly show what is happening. They play a mix of metal (hard rock oriented more than death metal) and symphonic prog. I have found this album rather pleasing to listen to. Their music is at time complex with many changes of rhythms and tone. Matt Brookings has composed most of the tracks. It takes a few listen to appreciate it fully, but IMO it is worth it...
Italian review
Radio interview
Spanish review
Interview with Matt Brookins
German review
French review
...It would be easy to just call this prog-metal but that would be a mistake although there’s no question it will find plenty of listeners in that sub-genre of prog. But there is a lot more going on musically to hold the interest of symphonic prog fans as well. If you enjoy the music of the bands mentioned or even bands like Cairo, Shadow Gallery or MagellanOdin’s Court is a disc you’ll want to grab hold of. Deathanity works on many levels and undoubtedly will appeal to a wide cross section of progressive rock fans. It’s a great release.
...There's wonderful variety from section to section, the instrumentation and the songwriting are clearly the album's strengths, and the bass guitar is dominant on almost all sections of the record, and really comes to the fore on "Cosmosera". The vocals might have selective appeal. For example, "Animaulic" has strong, angry tones in the chorus which are very effective, whereas the multi-part choral sections are delivered in an odd timbre, with pitch control problems.
We understand that Odin's Court puts on an excellent stage show - which probably explains their opening for countless notable prog and metal acts - including Symphony X, Spock's Beard, King's X, Kamelot, Enchant, Circa, Sonata Arctica, Jon Oliva, Zero Hour, Devin Townsend, Enchant and Helloween.
On balance it's a rewarding listen and is recommended.
French review
Italian review
...Fortunately, what could have come across as a bit pretentious or overly ‘preachy’ when aimed towards a heavy music audience does manage to work on some levels. Stylistically, their heavy Jazz-like influenced sound does remind me of Progressive Metal bands like SUSPYRE or MIND’S EYE, but ODIN’S COURT are also good at incorporating atmospheric textures and smooth choruses into their music. These choruses along with the almost “Pop” like melodies on songs such as “Obesite” thus remind one of groups like DEVIN TOWNSEND. Other surprises also turn up, in particular a cover of BEETHOVEN’S “Ode To Joy” which sounds like it could have been taken from a TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA album...
German review
Norwegian review
German review
German review
German review (recommended)
Interview with Matt
German review