Invisigoth > Alcholocaust

Price: $2.95Reviews
...The highlight of this set is easily the four-part, forty-odd minute Dark Highway, which bookends...
The record would have been fitting for the post-grunge electro-metal explosion where tracks like...
...This is a rather odd one to pin down. Alcoholocaust is at times intense darkwave along the lines...
I know all you prog purists out there will be saying that this disc isn't progressive rock....
Recorded in 2006, Alcoholocaust reveals, at the same time, a prodigious and profound respect and iconoclasm for the music that it post-dates. Some call it “progressive metal” or “art rock,” yet Invisigoth transcends these attempted reductions and speaks for itself – all the while echoing the revelation of
the antique and exotic that is the hallmark of their singular, yet universal, expression.
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Album tracks
- 1 - 01. Stripsearch
- 2 - 02. Ancient
- 3 - 03. Talitha Cumi
- 4 - 04. Serpentine
- 5 - 05. Poison Drip
- 6 - 06. The Everlasting
- 7 - 07. My Absinthe Lover
- 8 - 08. Soft Asylum
- 9 - 09. No Quarter