Centric Jones > The Antikythera Method

Price: $3.98Reviews
ProgRock Records, March 8th , 2012
The second release from Chris Fournier and Tobe London is...
Where things really click, whir, churn and tick-tock into place are through the tracks where the...
The Roger Dean-styled cover artwork seems to telegraph what sort of musical trip to expect here...
Space rock of the smooth, melodic variety is the name of the game on Centric Jones’ "The...
The Antikythera Method bears witness to the growing musical abilities of and friendship between Chris Fournier and Tobe London over the nearly two years spanning early 2010 to late 2011. Starting off as a re-connection between them after a break following their first Centric Jones album (Foreign Tea), the album sessions evolved into the band gaining deeper insights into their composition, recording, production, and rehearsal methods - the result is an album that flows like the Northern Lights across the sky and rewards the listener with ever-deeper layers of complexity and delight to discover with each listen. The songs contained within were composed gradually and practiced repeatedly before recording, enabling them to naturally grow and improve until they were tracked and mastered. Fans of progressive rock (and well-composed music in general) will find The Antikythera Method and Centric Jones a new intellectual and emotional diversion to enjoy!
Some live footage to check out:
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Album tracks
- 1 - Crushed
- 2 - Shadow Song
- 3 - All For One
- 4 - Boomer
- 5 - Dream in Threes
- 6 - Pyrrhic Victory
- 7 - Fading Time
- 8 - Morphogenic
- 9 - Save Me
- 10 - Then
- 11 - Pulse
- 12 - Antikythera Mechanism