Progressive Rock > Centric Jones

Centric Jones is Chris Fournier and Tobe London, augmented by an eclectic set of revolving musical guests. Chris plays bass, guitars, keyboards, and electronic percussion and Tobe plays drums, acoustic/electronic percussion,and keyboards. They met in 2007 and discovered a shared goal: they both wanted to create songs that broke through musical boundaries without sacrificing feel and an emotional connection to their audience. And, they had the ability to excel at doing this. A few years later in 2009, after many hours of practice and composition, they released their Foreign Tea CD. Centric Jones continued to build up the emotional appeal and complexity of their music both rythmically and melodically following that first album, culminating in the up-coming release of their new CD, The Antikythera Method, on Prog Rock Records. With both Tobe and Chris being involved in various bands since the late 1970s, Centric Jones is able to stand apart from much of the musical pack today by merging their mature musical senses with the drive to create ever-more-expansive sonic imagery.