Progressive Rock > AtmOsfear

In autumn of 1996 Olaf Sorgenfrei, Burkhart Heberle and Boris Stepanow decided to create an independent Progressive Rock Project in which everyone is able to fullfil his own demands on the music. Not long after being formed singer Oliver Wulff and Keyboarder Stephan Kruse joined and AtmOsfear was born.
In the spring of 1997 the band recorded their first 3 track Promo CD, simply named "AtmOsfear". The character and style of AtmOsfear was already clearly defined in these 3 tracks.
The main objective of AtmOsfear from that point as a band was to perform their 2 1/2 hour repertoire in every location and club possible, playing with highly reputated bands like Poverty´s No Crime, Charisma (Ivanhoe), Vanden Plas, Headway Festival (with Pain Of Salvayion, Zero Hour, Freak Kitchen, Bumblefoot, Sun Caged, Loch Vostock, etc.) and recently together with Evergrey. The reputation was/is tremendous but was topped with release of the new full length CD “Inside the Atmosphere” in 2003.