Pop Rock > The Colourphonics

The Colourphonics have been kicking around the Adelaide music scene since 2007 where they’ve angrily sliced through various musical genres, thrown them into a cliff-bound clown car and greased the steering wheel. The Colourphonics exist to entertain those who like their music live and alive. Album tracks are doomed to the past as a predilection for unplanned musical excursions means history will not be repeated here, son.
The album was engineered at Hillside Recordings in Adelaide by Matt Hills and mastered by the legendary David Briggs, former guitarist of The Little River Band and producer for many classic Australian bands such as Australian Crawl and No Fixed Address. The exact feel of the album was intended to be that of a live performance so, to that end, the album was entirely tracked live with minimal fix-ups and overdubs. In the case of the Sunset Trilogy, all three tracks were played consecutively.
Heads inextricably tilted towards the future, you just never know what genre ties these musical maniacs will sever and knot together next. In the words of the spiritual leader of the band, Frank Zappa, “You can't always write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometimes you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream.”